Fix: To reset to factory defaults, follow these steps:
1) Using a Null-Modem Cable , hook up the Console port of the switch to an available COM port on a computer (cable must be able to provide serial port communication between 2 computers).
2) Set up a Hyperterminal session to that COM port (e.g.: com1), with the port settings at 9600/8/N/1/N (. When the screen comes up blank with a blinking cursor, hit [enter] once or twice to bring up a login prompt.
3) Alternative to 1 and 2 above, if there is a known assigned TCP/IP address for the switch, one can telnet to that address, hit [enter] once or twice to get the login prompt.
4) Default logins to try are admin/(no password) or security/security. One of those 2 should bring up the management menu.
5) To reset factory defaults, type SYSTEM[enter] then type INITIALIZE[enter]. This will reset everything that has been set up on the switch, with the exception of the TCP/IP address, if there is one. All other previous configurations will need to be re-entered.
You can type in username "3comcso" and password "RIP000". It will ask you to reinitialize the switch. This will reset all settings including passwords.